Monday, January 11, 2010

Picture Scene Scripts!

Today we wrote scripts for our picture scenes. Please have one member of each pair submit the FULL SCRIPT as a comment here.


  1. Matilda and Astrid:
    We didnt have time to finish the script in class but this is what we wrote:

    Matilda=Sara (S)
    Astrid=Lily (L)
    (Lily enters humming with the washing when Sara comes on screaming and crying)
    L: What's wrong?
    S: He did it again! I'm bleeding..
    L: Oh, Sara. Its ok.
    S: NO ITS NOT! Why does he always do this? It's not fair. I wish he was dead!
    L: Don't say that! That's not true. Take it back.
    S: No
    L: NOW
    S: No, I wont. I hate him. Dont you? He does it to you too.
    L: No he doesnt.
    S: Yes he does, I've heard him and seen you after.
    L: No it's not true.
    S: Then whats that on your face?
    L: Nothing.
    S: Yea right (rolls her eyes)
    L: It's nothing, okay?!
    S: FINE! (walks away and sits on the grass)


    L: Ok Im sorry i had a go at you. I didnt mean to. You know you mean the world to me. Im sorry.
    S: If i mean the world to you, then why is it so hard for you to tell me the truth?
    L: Because you're my baby sister and i want to protect you. I dont want you to hate our father for what he does to me.
    S: and me..
    L: I know...


    S: Lily?
    L: Yes?
    S: Why does he do it?...Doesnt he love us?
    L: No..he does...
    S: So what's the, I mean, wh...why? Why does he hurt us?
    L: Well you know, its because we remind him of her, i guess..
    S: Shouldnt that be a good thing?
    L: Well. I guess it should but its just been hard for him lately you know..

  2. We did quite well in producing our script today although i don't want to finish it as i would like to hear Emas input to the ending and if we agree on it or not.

    The scene is about the relationship between a mother and her daughter. the daughter is disobeying and doesnt believe in the family morals.

    M= mother P= Polly (daughter)

    M: Where have you been?
    P: why does it matter? (mutters)
    M: You're still living under my care and I expected an answer young lady.
    P: Yeah night Hannah.
    M: How dare you talk to me like that, I am your Mother and you will respect me.
    P: What i do outside this little place is by my free will.
    M: I demand an answer i can not let the village think i can not control you, what would your Father say?
    P: How dare you make me feel guilty, it's not my fault he died at battle.
    M: It isn't my fault either, I can not change what has happened, but i know he would never let you go gallivanting around the village getting up to no good.
    P: You have no idea what i do.
    M: The whole village has spoke about you, I can no longer walk to the village without being stared at. Those people are disgusted. Why must you bring shame to our family?
    P: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
    M: What is that supposed to mean?
    P: Oh you know I've heard of what you've done before you met Dad.
    M: I had a reason, you don't.
    P: Oh, and that makes it ok. Like you know what i do for a reason and what I don't.
    M: I've heard enough of you're antics, you will obey me.
    P: You can not judge right from wrong, I've heard enough.
    M: Don't try and avoid the conversation.
    P: Theres nothing left to say, iam going out!
    M: How dare you defy me!

    i will speak to Ema about the ending, i shall post it up ASAP :)

  3. Desiree and Samantha- we didnt finish it all.

    The characters are called Lilly and Mohammed.Its about a muslim boy and a christian girl that fell in love, and because its against their religion to be together they want to run away.

    L:No, i cant do this anymore.

    M:Why not? Please give us a chance.

    L:What if they find out? We'll be dead!

    M:If they really know we love each other, they'll understand.

    L:I know them too well, this is the last time i'll ever see u again. [pulls away]

    M:Look, ill meet you later again when i have it all sorted out, ok babe?

    L:I'll meet you, but it will be the last time.

    M:We can't end it like this, listen i'll meet you later when i've got everything sorted out.

    L:Ok, meet me here again at 8.

    [they turn around and walk opposite directions] later on...

    M:Darling, im so sorry im late, i couldnt get away.

    L:I cant do this anymore, its not fair on you, me leading you on and all...

    M:Just live for the moment baby. [passionate kiss] after mohammed chants muslim song.

    L:You know, i think we should just run away, leave this place, forever?

    M:What would out parents say you know i'd really love to.

    L:But forget about them for a minute, think about us! Our future!

    M:But where would we go?

    L:Somewhere far away! We can do it. I have some money saved.

    M:Are you sure its a good idea? I mean what if they look for us, and find us, we will be dead!

    L:Stop worrying. We will leave at night and travel for hours-when they wake up it will be too late, we will be too far away.

    M:Ok babe, lets do it. Im doing this because i want to be with you and i love you.

    L:Okay, so its agreed. I'll meet you here at 1am sharp!

    M:I cant wait till its just you and me baby.

  4. Izzy and Blue:
    (We have not decided on their names yet)
    We did not have time to finish the script in class but this is what we came up with:

    Little Boy sitting outside diner playing with toys.

    Little Boy: It's not fair, they're always arguing, they don't even notice me anymore, they don't care! It's just because mum likes arguing. She'll never back down from and argument and dad's just too proud to let her win. It's so stupid, they're stupid! I hate them, I wish they would just stop arguing for once it's driving me crazy. I've got my toys now and that's all I need. I bet they won't even notice I'm gone. Stupid Parents.

    Police man enters.

    Police man: Hello young man. What are you doing here?

    Little Boy:...Hi...Nothing, I'm not doing anything.

    Police man: It's alright. I wasn't accusing you of anything. That's a nice fire truck, you know when I was your age I wanted to be a fireman.

    Little Boy: If you wanted to be a fireman how come you're a police man?

    Police man: that's a good question. To be honest I don't really know myself. I guess as I got older I just forgot. It's silly really... So what about you? What do you want to do when you grow up?

    Little Boy: A baker.

    Police Man (chuckling): That's great. Is your father a baker?

    Little Boy: No. My fathers a banker. The Goldeen bank. It's really boring.

    Police man: So where is your father?

    Little Boy: Home I spose.

    Police man: And your mother?

    Little Boy: Probably with my father arguing over something. They always fight, they do.

    Police man: Why aren't you with them?

    Little Boy: I don't like em. They don't even care that I'm not there. They probably didn't even notice.

    .... we will continue the script as soon as we can :)

  5. P: you don't let me do anything.
    M: You are 16 years old, you should do these things.
    P: I can do whatever I like (walks out from a house)
    M: Where do you think you going? Stop. STOP right NOW. Polly. (Runs for Polly)
    P: You not. (She grabs Polly, and pulls her hand back. Polly pushes her hand away and accidently hits Mother's face)

    This is all we've done as we were using the computer and took us quite a while to open the documents before...sorry
    But we will be working on it!


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