Today in drama I think everyone was a bit distracted with the I.B so it took us quite a while to settle down, and get into character and focus on the task at hand.
Firstly we began with a night on the mountain. This scene is one of the most developed pieces I have worked on this year. Each one of us is off-book and we have begun to establish our positions throughout the scene. Today we worked on blocking; this really helped us, as the scene flowed straight through without any frustrations, so when we come to performing it, it should be excellent.
We then moved onto picture scenes. I don’t really like how our script is written. I’m developing the script so that it makes more sense and has a bigger impact. I find this scene very frustrating, since it’s so repetitive. I have found it so hard to develop the ideas in order to fit the time requirements. Hopefully now since I have more time I can work on it so it will be a good piece of coursework to send!
I was able to work with Izzy today on the winslow boy. We were able to focus on our part together, when Dickie questions Ronnie as to why he is home so early. I am glad I was able to work on it as we’ve only done it once. Now I have a clear idea on stage directions, and developing physical interactions with Ronnie’s character.
We then moved onto the hit man. This is one of my favorites. We have developed the script quite a bit, we are now building up the atmosphere which is leading to the big climax. It is taking place in a house, where three people are having dinner, and they then turn on the news and hear news about the hitman, and begin to talk about him, but the twist is one of those 3 people is the hitman! :o
Afterwards we worked on all the worlds a stage. We added more to the script, and began to re-enforce our ideas. This is quite a hard piece, but if we work really hard it should be very successful! And it would be quite different compared to anything we have done before!
Today in drama we continued what we had done yesterday : rehearsing all the scenes we are working on. The group that i developed the most was the night on the mountain and i really think we're gonna end up with a solid peice.
There was a bit of tension and panick going on in the other scenes though due to all the stress caused by this IB and the subject choices. everybody was just very nervous about what was going to happen and people were really worried and taking it out on each other and the people who were trying to help. I hope everyone ended up remotely satisfied because i mean everyone cant be fully content but the more the better :D
The winslow boy; i just went over my lines briefly and basically we just have to perform it a couple of times together as a complete group to start blocking and really deciding on how everything is going to happen. I really want to see how far we have come since last time, all though i know that there are still some :)
Astrid and I didnt really get very far in the picture scene because we were disagreeing on the IB stuff but we will hopefully be seeing each other over easter so we can maybe work on it then :D we did the middle part and the beginning, running lines.
Now i think my group of the hit man has decided the basic plot and the beginning that i came up with will be strong and good...i hope.
All the worlds a stage, well we decided to take a piece from the winslow boy and we need to decide for ourselves what we want our characters to be like and then we can start writing a script, i may attempt to start one over the holidays. we'll see!!! :)
Other than the IB todays class was effective and helped us to move forward. I really like spending time on rehearsal and being able to improvise and ask more questions :D
HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!! :D Enjoy your holidays and relax (and study)
Today in drama we had another double lesson. In this class we worked on all the scenes again like yesterday. When we first started class, it took a while for everyone to get settled because we were all stressing over this IB decision. But then when we all calmed we started with working on A night on the MOuntain. Blue Bea Sam and I were rehearsing our lines. We are getting pretty good, we just need to make sure that we all study during break. Its going to turn out to be a really good scene I think. We also need to remember to bring in clothes to create our huge "mountain."
Then we worked on the picture scene for a bit and we are all getting frustrated but we finally started to add more lines to our script. Hopefully soon we will finish it because we just need to add a couple more lines and then we will be done. All we need to do is just learn our lines now. Once we do i think it will turn out to be a good scene and i think we all will be relieved that it is finished.
Then Denis and I got to working on Winslow Boy. Since we have a big scene together we thought it was a good idea. We didnt get to finish going through but we got pretty far. However, I dont know why but i couldnt remember my lines i think it was maybe cause i had other things on my mind, but Denis didnt know his either yet but i made him promise me that he would learn them over break so im really hoping that he does. Then hopefully by the time we get back from break, everyone will be off book and we will be ready for rehearsal with out the scripts :)
then we had break and when we returned we went into Hitman. Once again we were all talking about the IB again, even during our time of talking about hitman but we did get some work done. Yesterday we started a script so we continued it. We have got the characters down, and we know where we want to go with it we just need to write the lines down. Im pretty excited for this one because i think its going to be really good. We have created the beginning now we are just working on the build up to the climax as meg said. We are making the hitman say lines that like build up to it and make them suspicious in a way. like he says things that relate to the hitman but arent obvious that hes the one.
then finally we worked on All the Worlds a stage. We didnt get too far but we did change to conclusions on the fact that we are going to start the beginning with us doing a scene from Winslow instead of Romeo and Juliet. And even if that doesnt work we wil just go to our last resort which is writing out our own scene to play. But we all just need to pick a scene in Winslow Boy that is dramatic and then learn the lines for those and also continue writing our script.
Blue this lesson was spend once again the same as the last lesson, where the time was divided in to a class plan of what we needed to cover. The time were set and we all seem to get in to the swing of getting into groups and getting on with development.
We went through each of the scenes that we are needing to finish and each group did there own individual development, and started writing scripts. The problem is that we are meant to have everything done and learnt but the time we get back from the holiday but i have a feeling that for the newly assigned pieces that isn't going to happen.
My picture scene with Ahslie and Izzy is really not looking good, the continuation of the scene is harder then we thought and every time we sit down to do it, we dont get vary far, i have no idea how that is going to be fix, as all of us really have no clue how to get it done. Other then that what we have on that project is good and we know our lines. hopefully We will find a way out of it.
The Newer scene are underway, The hit man is still not even final as the the story line, so that is an issue, and our group seems to find it difficult to elaborate and try to understand other ideas, so i have a feeling this scene is going to end up rather typical and overly done. But of course we haven't started yet so i might be being alittle harsh about it. and i guess we do have time to think of a new way of getting a good scene.
All the worlds a stage, Is Looking good, we still havent settled on the scene that we are going to have within the scene, and some of us are suggesting we just write the scene our selves. hopefully we will come to an agreement on the scene and the development of an actual script will begin. Other then that this group seems to have a good enthusiasm about idea we have and we seem to all be looking forward to getting it there.
The Winslow boy, is getting there slowly and enjoyably, there is nothing to worry about the Winslow boy and i think thats why we all seem to enjoy letting lose on it,
Drama class seems to be going well, and we are all working which is a good sign. Hopefully we will get there!
In drama everyone was distracted and having problems with the I.B. subjects so it took us some time to actually get to work and start writing.
We started with a night on the mountain. This scene is pretty much done but needs some rehearsals, however my group seemed to have edited the script between the two of them and I felt a little lost. We’re all off book, the lines aren’t the problem, I know my lines but I feel what we are performing is very different from the script itself. I do not like this scene and am really dreading performing this scene. My group was on edge because of the I.B. and tended to take out quite a bit of their stress on me. There was quite a bit of shouting because I was not performing quite the way they wanted me to. It is however probably the only scene we have which is trully done. I don’t really like the scene but we’ve already scrapped one script completely for this and we’re very close to the exam so I feel I can’t do anything about it.
We then moved onto our picture scenes. We did not get very far with our scene and have decided that he will indeed give into the little boy and let him use the gun, what we have problems with is trying to get to this point in the script. We had most of it with the police man looking for excuses as to not let him use the gun and the waitress trying to convince the guy to let him and I feel there’s very little that the little boy is actaully contributing to this. I find this scene very frustrating repetitive but still good. We have found it rather hard to contribute ideas as to what we want to do. Hopefully now, we can work on this scene a little more and it will end up a good piece of coursework.
We then went on to the Winslow Boy I worked with Megan on our small scene together. We went over the part where Dickie talks to Ronnie right after Ronnie comes out the rain. I’m very happy that we worked on this because I have learnt my lines and I really needed to rehearse this part as we’ve only done it once with everyone using scripts. Now we have a clear idea of how to perform this scene as it was a failure last time we tried to perform it.
We then went on to work on the hit man. This scene is one of my favourite scenes as it is funny and has a lot of potential. We have developed the script quite a bit, we are now getting to a point where they find out about the Hitman. It is taking place in a house, where three people are having dinner, a couple and the new guy in the neighborhood and they then turn on the news and hear news about the hitman, the twist is that one of those three people having dinner is the hitman!
After that we worked on all the worlds a stage. We added more to the script, and began to start on the other characters. This is quite a hard piece, but if we work on it some more I think we all be very pleased with the results! It’s also a very different scene compared to the previous scenes which we have worked on. This one is also one of my favourites and I think it has so much potential to be a brilliant scene!
In this lesson we went over our scenes like our last lesson :) It took a while till we got into character because we were all a little worried about our IB topics but after a while we decided to put it all a side and get going with our work because it was our last lesson and we needed to get a lot done in a limited amount of time!
I have to go over the Winslow boys script seeing that i still have some trouble producing a scene without looking at the script, but i can assure you after the holidays in will know every last of my lines.
We are still having some difficulty with the hit man scene because it is an extremely difficult piece to originate, but hopefully we will assemble an entertaining scene.
All a worlds a stage is coming along but it's also difficult to construct even though we have all the right ideas, but easier said then done i guess. I am hoping we would all surprise ourselves and produce a memorable piece.
This is going to be, most probably, the most stressful Easter holiday due to all the studying and drama rehearsals for coursework, but if we put our mind to it im sure everything will just automatically flow all together.
First of all I would like to apologize for putting this up so late. But I totally forgot all about it and first remembered it this morning when I went in to school. So sorry. During this double lesson we worked on a lot of things, just like we did on Thursday. I still think the same to be honest that we got too little time on each thing which I just thought that I should add. I know that this would be a problem but maybe we could do it different in the future because I think that when the group really starts to work together and everything has started to run smoothly we have to change groups and suddenly do something else. But that’s all. A bit more time on everything would have been better.
We started off the double lesson with working on ‘A Night on The Mountain’ for 16 minutes. My group went through line’s which everyone has to be off-book on when we get back from the Easter holidays!! After this we also went through some important stage directions for it. This was very useful for my group but it would have been even more useful if we would have been off-book on it already so that we would only have to go through the stage directions, but we made it and it was O.K.
After this we went on with working on the Picture scenes where I’m with Matilda. Our scene is still looking pretty bright and it has really been going good the last times when we went over it. We have almost gone over it so much that it is actually becoming old and feeling quite boring to act out but hopefully we won’t be totally bored off it after Easter, fingers crossed. We went through our line’s and it sounded really good and we were both happy with our work during the lesson.
After this we started to work on ‘The Winslow Boy’. During these 16 we did like we did on Thursday where we went into different groups and just did the different scenes we need to do or go over. In between these 16 minutes we had the short break and returned after it to finish of ‘The Winslow Boy’ and move onto the next thing to do. But because this day was filled up with a lot of drama for the IB which was quite a pain we spent time in class talking about it. So when we had finished our talk about the IB the time for ‘The Winslow Boy’ was over and we went onto the next thing.
After all of this hard work added with a little drama we went back to work on the script for ‘The Hit man’. We have developed this script quite a lot and it looks like it is off to a very good start. I really enjoy working with Megan, Izzy and Ashlie. Everyone puts in their effort and does what they are supposed to which is awesome that we have team-work going on! We have written about a page of the script so there is still more that needs to be done but it looks really good so far!
At last we worked on ‘All the World’s a Stage and I am Walking Though It’ for 16 minutes. I am with Ashlie, Matilda and Blue in this group. We have not gotten that far at all because we are still looking for an act to act within the act but hopefully we’ll find it soon! Matilda had some questions about my school which she asked sir so some time went off there, and the rest of the time was spent on trying to find a scene that we could possible use to act within the act.
This is all. Hope you all had a good start to the Easter holidays and that you’re all enjoying the time off! You have all worked hard and you deserve the break! But don’t forget, the exams are around the corner so don’t forget to study. Study, but balance it out with having an awesome time, because I will!
Today at the beginning of the lesson everyone was very jumpy and panicky about the IB so it took us some time to settle down but shortly we did. Firstly we started with "A Night on The Mountain" and this peice is actually one of my favorites and is very well developed. We all pretty much know our lines so it helps and we are also working with props like the mountain and the dresses, and now really feeling all of our characters. Then after that we moved onto picture scenes, we were sort of in a rut and didn't know what to do about it because it was abit wishy washy and nothing was really established, but now we have everything sorted and it is coming very far and we have had very useful classtime to reherse and that helped alot!! Then i went with Beatrice in the corner and we worked on the Winslow Boy which me and her have alot of parts where it is just me and her speaking to eachother so we went over lines and were actually standing up delivering it so that also helped so it wouldent be so new to us when we were performing. Then we did the Hitman and we went to the computer and started to think of ideas for the script that we could do and ways of making a good but not cliche story line. We have not made a final decision yet but it will soon be decided. Then after we worked on our all the worlds a stage, and this is one of my favorites because the story is really creative, i was not here when they made it and really liked the whole concept of what was happening in the scene and how we devided it into each person having their own story.
Today in drama I think everyone was a bit distracted with the I.B so it took us quite a while to settle down, and get into character and focus on the task at hand.
ReplyDeleteFirstly we began with a night on the mountain. This scene is one of the most developed pieces I have worked on this year. Each one of us is off-book and we have begun to establish our positions throughout the scene. Today we worked on blocking; this really helped us, as the scene flowed straight through without any frustrations, so when we come to performing it, it should be excellent.
We then moved onto picture scenes. I don’t really like how our script is written. I’m developing the script so that it makes more sense and has a bigger impact. I find this scene very frustrating, since it’s so repetitive. I have found it so hard to develop the ideas in order to fit the time requirements. Hopefully now since I have more time I can work on it so it will be a good piece of coursework to send!
I was able to work with Izzy today on the winslow boy. We were able to focus on our part together, when Dickie questions Ronnie as to why he is home so early. I am glad I was able to work on it as we’ve only done it once. Now I have a clear idea on stage directions, and developing physical interactions with Ronnie’s character.
We then moved onto the hit man. This is one of my favorites. We have developed the script quite a bit, we are now building up the atmosphere which is leading to the big climax. It is taking place in a house, where three people are having dinner, and they then turn on the news and hear news about the hitman, and begin to talk about him, but the twist is one of those 3 people is the hitman! :o
Afterwards we worked on all the worlds a stage. We added more to the script, and began to re-enforce our ideas. This is quite a hard piece, but if we work really hard it should be very successful! And it would be quite different compared to anything we have done before!
Happy Holidays! Study hard :P
Matilda Said:
ReplyDeleteToday in drama we continued what we had done yesterday : rehearsing all the scenes we are working on. The group that i developed the most was the night on the mountain and i really think we're gonna end up with a solid peice.
There was a bit of tension and panick going on in the other scenes though due to all the stress caused by this IB and the subject choices. everybody was just very nervous about what was going to happen and people were really worried and taking it out on each other and the people who were trying to help. I hope everyone ended up remotely satisfied because i mean everyone cant be fully content but the more the better :D
The winslow boy; i just went over my lines briefly and basically we just have to perform it a couple of times together as a complete group to start blocking and really deciding on how everything is going to happen. I really want to see how far we have come since last time, all though i know that there are still some :)
Astrid and I didnt really get very far in the picture scene because we were disagreeing on the IB stuff but we will hopefully be seeing each other over easter so we can maybe work on it then :D we did the middle part and the beginning, running lines.
Now i think my group of the hit man has decided the basic plot and the beginning that i came up with will be strong and good...i hope.
All the worlds a stage, well we decided to take a piece from the winslow boy and we need to decide for ourselves what we want our characters to be like and then we can start writing a script, i may attempt to start one over the holidays. we'll see!!! :)
Other than the IB todays class was effective and helped us to move forward. I really like spending time on rehearsal and being able to improvise and ask more questions :D
Enjoy your holidays and relax (and study)
Today in drama we had another double lesson. In this class we worked on all the scenes again like yesterday. When we first started class, it took a while for everyone to get settled because we were all stressing over this IB decision. But then when we all calmed we started with working on A night on the MOuntain. Blue Bea Sam and I were rehearsing our lines. We are getting pretty good, we just need to make sure that we all study during break. Its going to turn out to be a really good scene I think. We also need to remember to bring in clothes to create our huge "mountain."
ReplyDeleteThen we worked on the picture scene for a bit and we are all getting frustrated but we finally started to add more lines to our script. Hopefully soon we will finish it because we just need to add a couple more lines and then we will be done. All we need to do is just learn our lines now. Once we do i think it will turn out to be a good scene and i think we all will be relieved that it is finished.
Then Denis and I got to working on Winslow Boy. Since we have a big scene together we thought it was a good idea. We didnt get to finish going through but we got pretty far. However, I dont know why but i couldnt remember my lines i think it was maybe cause i had other things on my mind, but Denis didnt know his either yet but i made him promise me that he would learn them over break so im really hoping that he does. Then hopefully by the time we get back from break, everyone will be off book and we will be ready for rehearsal with out the scripts :)
then we had break and when we returned we went into Hitman. Once again we were all talking about the IB again, even during our time of talking about hitman but we did get some work done. Yesterday we started a script so we continued it. We have got the characters down, and we know where we want to go with it we just need to write the lines down. Im pretty excited for this one because i think its going to be really good. We have created the beginning now we are just working on the build up to the climax as meg said. We are making the hitman say lines that like build up to it and make them suspicious in a way. like he says things that relate to the hitman but arent obvious that hes the one.
then finally we worked on All the Worlds a stage. We didnt get too far but we did change to conclusions on the fact that we are going to start the beginning with us doing a scene from Winslow instead of Romeo and Juliet. And even if that doesnt work we wil just go to our last resort which is writing out our own scene to play. But we all just need to pick a scene in Winslow Boy that is dramatic and then learn the lines for those and also continue writing our script.
Hope everyone has a goood Easter!!!!! :)
oh my goodnesss i just wrote like soo much and it didnt posttt!!!!!!!!!!!! gahhhhhh!!!!!!ughhh
ReplyDeleteok um it just miraculously appeared. :)
ReplyDeleteyou can delete this and the comment before this. thankksss :)
ReplyDeletethis lesson was spend once again the same as the last lesson, where the time was divided in to a class plan of what we needed to cover.
The time were set and we all seem to get in to the swing of getting into groups and getting on with development.
We went through each of the scenes that we are needing to finish and each group did there own individual development, and started writing scripts. The problem is that we are meant to have everything done and learnt but the time we get back from the holiday but i have a feeling that for the newly assigned pieces that isn't going to happen.
My picture scene with Ahslie and Izzy is really not looking good, the continuation of the scene is harder then we thought and every time we sit down to do it, we dont get vary far, i have no idea how that is going to be fix, as all of us really have no clue how to get it done.
Other then that what we have on that project is good and we know our lines. hopefully We will find a way out of it.
The Newer scene are underway, The hit man is still not even final as the the story line, so that is an issue, and our group seems to find it difficult to elaborate and try to understand other ideas, so i have a feeling this scene is going to end up rather typical and overly done. But of course we haven't started yet so i might be being alittle harsh about it. and i guess we do have time to think of a new way of getting a good scene.
All the worlds a stage, Is Looking good, we still havent settled on the scene that we are going to have within the scene, and some of us are suggesting we just write the scene our selves. hopefully we will come to an agreement on the scene and the development of an actual script will begin. Other then that this group seems to have a good enthusiasm about idea we have and we seem to all be looking forward to getting it there.
The Winslow boy, is getting there slowly and enjoyably, there is nothing to worry about the Winslow boy and i think thats why we all seem to enjoy letting lose on it,
Drama class seems to be going well, and we are all working which is a good sign. Hopefully we will get there!
See you when we get back!! :)
ReplyDeleteIn drama everyone was distracted and having problems with the I.B. subjects so it took us some time to actually get to work and start writing.
We started with a night on the mountain. This scene is pretty much done but needs some rehearsals, however my group seemed to have edited the script between the two of them and I felt a little lost. We’re all off book, the lines aren’t the problem, I know my lines but I feel what we are performing is very different from the script itself. I do not like this scene and am really dreading performing this scene. My group was on edge because of the I.B. and tended to take out quite a bit of their stress on me. There was quite a bit of shouting because I was not performing quite the way they wanted me to. It is however probably the only scene we have which is trully done. I don’t really like the scene but we’ve already scrapped one script completely for this and we’re very close to the exam so I feel I can’t do anything about it.
We then moved onto our picture scenes. We did not get very far with our scene and have decided that he will indeed give into the little boy and let him use the gun, what we have problems with is trying to get to this point in the script. We had most of it with the police man looking for excuses as to not let him use the gun and the waitress trying to convince the guy to let him and I feel there’s very little that the little boy is actaully contributing to this. I find this scene very frustrating repetitive but still good. We have found it rather hard to contribute ideas as to what we want to do. Hopefully now, we can work on this scene a little more and it will end up a good piece of coursework.
We then went on to the Winslow Boy I worked with Megan on our small scene together. We went over the part where Dickie talks to Ronnie right after Ronnie comes out the rain. I’m very happy that we worked on this because I have learnt my lines and I really needed to rehearse this part as we’ve only done it once with everyone using scripts. Now we have a clear idea of how to perform this scene as it was a failure last time we tried to perform it.
We then went on to work on the hit man. This scene is one of my favourite scenes as it is funny and has a lot of potential. We have developed the script quite a bit, we are now getting to a point where they find out about the Hitman. It is taking place in a house, where three people are having dinner, a couple and the new guy in the neighborhood and they then turn on the news and hear news about the hitman, the twist is that one of those three people having dinner is the hitman!
After that we worked on all the worlds a stage. We added more to the script, and began to start on the other characters. This is quite a hard piece, but if we work on it some more I think we all be very pleased with the results! It’s also a very different scene compared to the previous scenes which we have worked on. This one is also one of my favourites and I think it has so much potential to be a brilliant scene!
ReplyDeleteIn this lesson we went over our scenes like our last lesson :) It took a while till we got into character because we were all a little worried about our IB topics but after a while we decided to put it all a side and get going with our work because it was our last lesson and we needed to get a lot done in a limited amount of time!
I have to go over the Winslow boys script seeing that i still have some trouble producing a scene without looking at the script, but i can assure you after the holidays in will know every last of my lines.
We are still having some difficulty with the hit man scene because it is an extremely difficult piece to originate, but hopefully we will assemble an entertaining scene.
All a worlds a stage is coming along but it's also difficult to construct even though we have all the right ideas, but easier said then done i guess. I am hoping we would all surprise ourselves and produce a memorable piece.
This is going to be, most probably, the most stressful Easter holiday due to all the studying and drama rehearsals for coursework, but if we put our mind to it im sure everything will just automatically flow all together.
Astrid said...
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I would like to apologize for putting this up so late. But I totally forgot all about it and first remembered it this morning when I went in to school. So sorry.
During this double lesson we worked on a lot of things, just like we did on Thursday. I still think the same to be honest that we got too little time on each thing which I just thought that I should add. I know that this would be a problem but maybe we could do it different in the future because I think that when the group really starts to work together and everything has started to run smoothly we have to change groups and suddenly do something else. But that’s all. A bit more time on everything would have been better.
We started off the double lesson with working on ‘A Night on The Mountain’ for 16 minutes. My group went through line’s which everyone has to be off-book on when we get back from the Easter holidays!! After this we also went through some important stage directions for it. This was very useful for my group but it would have been even more useful if we would have been off-book on it already so that we would only have to go through the stage directions, but we made it and it was O.K.
After this we went on with working on the Picture scenes where I’m with Matilda. Our scene is still looking pretty bright and it has really been going good the last times when we went over it. We have almost gone over it so much that it is actually becoming old and feeling quite boring to act out but hopefully we won’t be totally bored off it after Easter, fingers crossed. We went through our line’s and it sounded really good and we were both happy with our work during the lesson.
After this we started to work on ‘The Winslow Boy’. During these 16 we did like we did on Thursday where we went into different groups and just did the different scenes we need to do or go over. In between these 16 minutes we had the short break and returned after it to finish of ‘The Winslow Boy’ and move onto the next thing to do. But because this day was filled up with a lot of drama for the IB which was quite a pain we spent time in class talking about it. So when we had finished our talk about the IB the time for ‘The Winslow Boy’ was over and we went onto the next thing.
After all of this hard work added with a little drama we went back to work on the script for ‘The Hit man’. We have developed this script quite a lot and it looks like it is off to a very good start. I really enjoy working with Megan, Izzy and Ashlie. Everyone puts in their effort and does what they are supposed to which is awesome that we have team-work going on! We have written about a page of the script so there is still more that needs to be done but it looks really good so far!
At last we worked on ‘All the World’s a Stage and I am Walking Though It’ for 16 minutes. I am with Ashlie, Matilda and Blue in this group. We have not gotten that far at all because we are still looking for an act to act within the act but hopefully we’ll find it soon! Matilda had some questions about my school which she asked sir so some time went off there, and the rest of the time was spent on trying to find a scene that we could possible use to act within the act.
This is all. Hope you all had a good start to the Easter holidays and that you’re all enjoying the time off! You have all worked hard and you deserve the break! But don’t forget, the exams are around the corner so don’t forget to study. Study, but balance it out with having an awesome time, because I will!
Happy Easter! :)
Sammie says:
ReplyDeleteToday at the beginning of the lesson everyone was very jumpy and panicky about the IB so it took us some time to settle down but shortly we did. Firstly we started with "A Night on The Mountain" and this peice is actually one of my favorites and is very well developed. We all pretty much know our lines so it helps and we are also working with props like the mountain and the dresses, and now really feeling all of our characters. Then after that we moved onto picture scenes, we were sort of in a rut and didn't know what to do about it because it was abit wishy washy and nothing was really established, but now we have everything sorted and it is coming very far and we have had very useful classtime to reherse and that helped alot!! Then i went with Beatrice in the corner and we worked on the Winslow Boy which me and her have alot of parts where it is just me and her speaking to eachother so we went over lines and were actually standing up delivering it so that also helped so it wouldent be so new to us when we were performing. Then we did the Hitman and we went to the computer and started to think of ideas for the script that we could do and ways of making a good but not cliche story line. We have not made a final decision yet but it will soon be decided. Then after we worked on our all the worlds a stage, and this is one of my favorites because the story is really creative, i was not here when they made it and really liked the whole concept of what was happening in the scene and how we devided it into each person having their own story.
Happy holidays :) xxx