Friday, April 16, 2010

Reflection - Friday, April 16

Here it is. Don't forget!

Absent: Ema, Desiree


  1. Matilda said:

    sorry i couldnt put this up yesterday or on friday!! :(
    Today we came in and all of us sat round the tables and discussed how important it is to work together and that we need to be ready with our coursework by Tuesday. We are performing our picture scenes on Tuesday at lunch time in front of the school and think that will be exciting. Astrid and I are going to do our picture scene, i think we just have to practice it a few more times on Monday. Poor Megan needs a new partner since Ema isn’t here so I am learning lines to act with her. I like her script and think that i can be really strong in it but unfortunately I am not allowed to use it as my course work.... I have found a new monologue which i really like and i want to perform in on Monday lunch and then compare it to my other pieces of course work before choosing which ones to send in. I am nervous because it has all been left to the last minute, and i only found out two days ago that our work was being sent in on Tuesday so i got a sudden sense of panic. We will see how everything goes.
    Other than all the stress, i really like how we are spending the lessons and think that we are getting far far more done than we were before!! :D

  2. In class we all sat down and discussed what we were going to do in terms of course work, which was important as many people were not clear on what they had to do.

    i was left without a partner to rehearse with, which was rather annoying because i had changed the script and had re-wrote it so it actually went somewhere, since before it was just repeating its self in too many ways. i am happy since Matilda was willing to fill in the role of the daughter, we are going to perform this on Tuesday which will be quite exciting, but also very nerve-racking.

    In the lesson Matilda and i rehearsed the picture, and Matilda was able to see what was needed out of her role, and what she should do and when. it was definately a productive lesson, and so after our rehearsal on monday, we should be confident enough to perform in infront of high school!

    i have all my coursework in place, i just need to re-record much ado with matilda then ill be set to go! :D

  3. On this day, we had a double lesson. In the beginning of class we all sat down and talked about what we are going to do regards coursework. We discussed what we are going to be performing and when we will do it. On tuesday, we are going to be doing our Picture Scenes for the school and also our coursework will be sent out that day. We then came to the conclusion to spend all of the double periods working on our picture scene, because many of us are very nervous about those.
    So Blue, Izzy and I got together and finally made an end to our piece. I think we made it to be pretty good. We just really need to work hard on rehearsing it on monday because we havent done it at all except once with our added work. We then performed it for the class at the end just to try and get a feel of what we need to do with placing and everything.
    It was beyond a doubt a very productive lesson because if we didnt do that, we would probably still be no where with our script. I'm happy with how it turned it out and cant wait to perform it even though it will be very scary an nerve-recking :p
    Well on monday we are going to be rehearsing that and i also want to re-rehearse my monologue to send it in as coursework because i really liked the one that i did on the therapist. But other than that i think everything else is goood. :)

  4. Astrid said...

    Sorry for putting this up so late but I totally forgot all about it and I first remembered in drama class today, I'm sorry.
    During this double we worked on our pictures scenes which was well needed. I can't really say much to be honest. Me and Matilda went over the script and went through it and thats pretty much it. This was because Megan is taking use of Matilda for her picture scene. And this is due to that Ema was absent and would be back for a while.
    I went well.

  5. Astrid said...

    Oh and sir i almost for got. I dont know where to put this but the picture me and matilda have is number 18. The one with the young lady and the girl in the garden. And our scene is called 'Sisters'. THANK YOU

  6. Sammie says:

    In drama me and reb were still a little bit panicked about our picture scene, because at this point we had not come far.. We gathered around to discuss what needed to get done and then talked to sir about our situation. We had a script all written out and everything but the only thing was that bekky forgot to send it to her email so we had nothing to work with in class. So we came up with the power plan that we would go to the library and write a new and better script :) So we did so.. and spent two lessons writing a very good script and i think it is very creative, in the end it ended up fine and we had a couple of days to learn our lines! it all ended well in the end!

  7. Blue

    Again, something is wrong with the posting system, i somehow end up deleting it before it gets posted!
    So this post might be short and sorry for the late repost.

    This was a double lesson and most of the first lesson was spent discussing the Importance of coursework deadlines and props.
    We went over the facts of what is all need to be done, and scheduled a rough plan as to what was need to be done, as a group and individually.

    At this point, all of us need to do our devised picture scene, and we talked about what is needed for the scene, so in the second lesson, we got to separate and finalise our scripts, stage directions, characters, props,and what seemed most important Costuming.

    My picture scene with Izzy and Ashlie, needed to alot of work, and fortunately by the end of this lesson we managed to complete the script and grain an understanding of the ending and character development. i know for a fact that we all went home after this lesson, extremely relived at the completion of the difficult script.

    We even managed to roughly preform the scene to the rest of the class, just to check if it all ran smoothly, and by the end of it all.. the positive reactions we got allowed us to leave on friday happy and relived to be done with the technical elements of the piece.


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