Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Reflection - Wednesday, January 13

Today groups continued scripting and rehearsing scripts titled "All the World's a Stage I'm Going Through". Please submit your reflection on today's class here.


  1. Astrid said...

    Today I worked with Denis and Sam on the project: "All the World's a Stage I'm Going Through". Me and Sam started of with telling Denis what we had talked about last week and what we have so far. Denis liked it so we just went right on with writing the script. We started of very good. And everything looks fine for now and I'm happy with what we have done so far.

  2. Matilda said...

    Today i worked with Megan and Desiree on 'all the worlds a stage im going through' and we started developing the script. I think we are beginning to get a solid story but its still unfinished and in draft form. The characters we have suit us quite well (esp for des :P) and i think our final performance will be good and funny. Basically two friends from america are going to Asia but are stopped at the airport because someone put drugs in their bags and so they were accused of smuggling in drugs. One of them is mentally challenged and they are both sentenced to jail. The troubled girl becomes worse without her medication and in the end she ends up killing her friend and the police obviously cant let this get out so they kill her too by lethal injection. This is the script:
    Des=Milfredda Mat=Gwen Meg=Alissa

    G: This is all your fault Milfredda!
    M: No its not!
    G: It was your idea to go to India.
    M: I didnt know someone would put drugs in our bags did I?
    A: Stop lying cause we aint buying any of this, you wont get away with this.
    G: We didnt do anything!
    A: Shut up (goes away)
    (Milfredda gets a spasm attack and screams on the floor hysterically and Alissa comes storming back in)
    A: What is going on in here? Shut up!
    M: I knew this was going to happen, she needs her medication.
    A: What, you mean the drugs that she depends on?
    G: No shes mentally ill and she needs her medication to calm her down. But you took our bags because you think we smuggled drugs into your stupid country. She should have had it ten minutes ago.
    A: Stop lying i said, im warning you, how dare you?
    (Milfredda gers up and throws herself near Alissa the police woman and has a spasm attack)
    A: You think youre funny? This wont go down well in your trial.
    G: Idiot
    (Alissa slaps Gwen and Gwen goes in the corner)
    G: I have nothing to eat thanks to you.
    M: Neither do I, you didnt have to travel the world with me did you?

  3. Sammie says:

    Today me, denis and astrid worked on our scene. "all the world is a stage, im coming through" we developed it further. We assigned characters i am the old woman cathy denis is the gangster called jonny and astrid is erin the small town girl. We know the plot of the story now and what happens and where it is set and everything we got like 1/4 of the script done, but it only took a while because we were coming up with really cool gangster lines for jonny and like making the script funny and really goood! Once we continue the script and start practising it, i think the piece will just grow from there :)

  4. Today me Ashlie and Patrick worked on the scene of "All the world's stage i am going thrugh" and I thought we really managed to get the idea of it.
    We wrote a script but we haven't finished it yet. I think its going to go really well, because Patrick really has a lot of ideas of how we going to act it, Ashlie got the good imagination and i've got good words for the script...Hopefully out thing will work out because I really do like working with my group and hopefully we will manage to finish our script by next lesson...

    thannxxxx everyone...<3

  5. Today Ema, Patrick, and I came to a conclusion about the scene that we are going to do for "All the world's a stage I'm going through." We ended up doing Ema's scene that she suggested. Its about this Mother who is single, her husband left her. SHe has two children, a daugher, named Casey and a son named Stan. This family all loves each other but doesnt exactly show it. The daughter is at that age in life where shes groing up in her teenage years and doesnt want to be babied any more. The son is kind of not in a good part of his life. He kind of is just going through this thing with being upset with his father for leaving and the fact that they are poor and cant do things that his friends do, he never has money or can never get any. And the fact they are going through this all together represents the stages of life that they are going through and they are all going through them together. We then started working on our script. We got decently far, seeing that we just made a conclusion today. We still have a long way to go to fill the 7-12 minute time gap. But we still need to work on it a bit more obviously. But so far we are off to a good start and I am happy with what we have. I believe that its going to be a good scene. :)

  6. Last lesson i worked with Desiree and Matilda on "All the world's a stage im going through" We went back and looked on notes we wrote before. we then set the scene and started writing the script. our ideas have developed rapidly, we now have a clear idea of the scene. It will take place in a prison cell. there will be 3 people on stage, one police officer and the two girls who are being arrested. they have been framed for drug smuggling, and the laws in Asia are very strict. in the end one of the girls ends up going crazy without her medication and so kills the other girl. the asain police cannot let this get out so they kill the other girl. i cant wait to see the scene more developed! it will be very very good! :D

  7. Desiree: i worked with Megan and Matilda on 'All the worlds a stage im going through' we discussed what we wrote down from before and then went on to writing the actual script. i really like our idea. its basically about these two girls who get arrested for smuggling since the laws in asia are strict. towards the end, one girl starts going crazy because she is left without her medication and so kills the other girl. the police end up killing the girl. this should turn out to be a good scene.
    Heres our script so far:

    Des=Milfredda Mat=Gwen Meg=Alissa

    G: This is all your fault Milfredda!
    M: No its not!
    G: It was your idea to go to India.
    M: I didnt know someone would put drugs in our bags did I?
    A: Stop lying cause we aint buying any of this, you wont get away with this.
    G: We didnt do anything!
    A: Shut up (goes away)
    (Milfredda gets a spasm attack and screams on the floor hysterically and Alissa comes storming back in)
    A: What is going on in here? Shut up!
    M: I knew this was going to happen, she needs her medication.
    A: What, you mean the drugs that she depends on?
    G: No shes mentally ill and she needs her medication to calm her down. But you took our bags because you think we smuggled drugs into your stupid country. She should have had it ten minutes ago.
    A: Stop lying i said, im warning you, how dare you?
    (Milfredda gers up and throws herself near Alissa the police woman and has a spasm attack)
    A: You think youre funny? This wont go down well in your trial.
    G: Idiot
    (Alissa slaps Gwen and Gwen goes in the corner)
    G: I have nothing to eat thanks to you.
    M: Neither do I, you didnt have to travel the world with me did you?


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