Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reflection - Friday, February 19

Today, we worked for one period on the "picture scenes" that will serve as "devised group" coursework for most students working toward the IGCSE. We then spent our second period viewing the conclusion of the film The Winslow Boy based on the play of the same name. Please write your reflection on today's work here.

Please remember that on Monday you will be given a quiz on The Winslow Boy! If you missed viewing part of the film in class, be sure to view the portion you missed. Consider how you would summarize the story to one who was unfamiliar with it. Consider how you would describe the characters. Consider how you would produce the play if you were a director. Consider which of the roles might be challenging and how. Consider how, as an audience, we understand the relationships between these characters based on the script but also on other dramatic elements.


  1. Beatrice sayssss -

    Today we had a double lesson. In the first lesson, we worked on our picture scenes. I'm in a group with Patrick and Denis and we worked on our script which is almost finished. In the second lesson, we finished watching the Winslow boy. A lot of it had been altered. For example, the beginning of the play, starts out with Ronnie coming home but the beginning of the movie starts with John having a conversation with Arthur, Catherine's father. But, the movie was really good :)

  2. Denis says:

    Today we had Drama the 3rd and 4th period...first we've worked on our picture scenes. I am in a group with Beatrice and Patrick and we almost finished our script for the picture scene but we still have to improve a lot and rehearse it before we can do it properly.

    The 4th period after break we continued watching "The Winslow Boy" movie and it was very interesting. We watched it untill the end but we were late with around 10 minutes for the next class. Finally the Winslows won the case with the help of Sir Robert and the movie finished with a happy ending(like most of the movies xD)

  3. I was absent today, Matilda

  4. Today we had a double lesson where we came in -supposedly- ready with our picture scene and the lines, but because more people were absent and because some groups didn't have a copy of their scripts, we had to change our plan of action. So that everyone used their time to do something.

    My group with Ashlie and Iizzy, had our scripts and needed to start rehearsing, so in the first lesson, we ran through the lines and the actions,at first the flow and understanding of the script wasnt very good but by rerunning it a few times i think we all managed to grasp the story and the way in which it could be preformed. We still have to concluded on the exact stage directions, and with just a few more run throughs i think this piece will be ready to perform for coursework.

    Although a concern about it is that its too short and we may have to extend the scene so that it fits the IGCSE requirements, we where mean to show the whole piece to Mr. MacLachlan in the second lesson after break but because the class had already started to watch the movie we didnt get the chance to.

    So next time we will have to discuss the length and the content of our Picture Scene. Maybe we more lines can be added with in the actual piece rather then having to add on more to the end and changing the messaging of the scene. I would Develop it now with out Ashlie and Izzy but i think that for this piece to be qualified as good team creation we will have to discuss the developments all together.

    In the second lesson after break we ended up watching the end of the movie the Winslow boy. which was a pretty good movie, and i think watching it definitely helps with the up coming performances. It aloud the students to see one interpretation of the script and to grasp the tone of the scene we are doing. Because we all enjoyed the movie i think that also helped to create excitement over the story. We all seemed to be interested in the final out come, wanting the characters relationship to develop.

    Hopefully next lesson we will get alot done,and everyone will be ready to move on to the Winslow Boy script before we lose interest on it.

  5. Astrid said...

    During the first period of our lesson on Friday everyone was supposed to be done with their Picture Scene script and also be of book on this. But due to that a lot of people were absent and due to that many werent off book and some didnt even have a script. This set us back on lesson but there was nothing to do about it. So insted of preforming our picture scenes all the groups got time to either learn lines or finish of the script. This was very needed for many and I think that everyone took use of this.
    In my case Matilda was absent so I took this lesson to start learning my lines even better. But because I lost my script in the math room in the morning I had to go to the libary to print out the script. After this I started to learn my lines so that now I know them even better than before so I think this lesson was two steps back but still one step forward because many needed this lesson to help with lines and so on.
    Most probably me and Matilda will have to act out picture scene out during lunch breaks or meet up after school because we are preforming the picture scenes on friday.

    During the second period we thought that it would be better to finish watching the Winslow Boy because many didnt have a USB or something to put the movie on. So we finished the movie in class so that everyone would be able to see atleast some of it.
    I really liked how they had twisted the story a bit with everything. But I like how they showed that Arthur was getting older during the movie and that the hole case was really killing him in the end. They also showed very clearly how the case was changing their lives because it took up all of their money and time. I really enjoyed watching this movie and I actually really liked it. And also the way that they leave you wondering in the end, makes it in a way more enjoyable because you can sort of make up your own little ending in your head which I liked.

  6. I'm sorry I couldnt post yesterday.

    Yesterday we had a double period. In the first period we worked on our picture scenes and in the second we watched the rest of The Winslow Boy.

    My group with Ashlie and Blue had our scripts and new most our lines. We had to start rehearsing, so we did this in the first lesson. We weren't quite sure what to do at first but we now all have a good understanding of our characters and actions. We ran through the scene various times, some times just repeating the lines others with actions. We are not sure yet of our exact stage actions and I think that soon we should be able to perform this well.

    As Blue said we are concerned about the length and we do not feel as if its long enough and we will have to extend the script so that we fit into the requirements and trust that we will be able to do this well without actually damaging anything else we have done. We will discuss the lines we want to add on to the script together as soon as we get a chance to.

    In the second lesson we watched the rest of The Winslow Boy. I really enjoyed the film and having seen it gives me a much better understand of the characters than I had before from just reading the script. I think it will help us with our characters and it has created an excitement for all of us to do this for ourselves.

  7. In drama we had planned to work on our picture scenes. unfortunately there were a lot of absences so the groups could not perform their pieces. The majority of the class was not prepared to perform the scene yet, so we used the time wisely to prepare for the performance.

    My partner is Ema. she was absent so i decided to add more to our script since it seemed to be under the time of 5 minutes. it is very difficult to extend the script as our idea of what goes on is limited, and the fact that it is a two person scene doesn't help. But i am determined to have it finished and up to scratch by friday. Ema and i will stay after school or even in lunch breaks to rehearse the scene so when we perform it on friday it will be a good piece.

    In the second part of the lesson we watched the Winslow Boy. i was looking forward to finishing the film, as it is a very well written. The way the characters are portrayed highlights what period the play was set in, and what class they were. i enjoyed watching Arthur the most as he in my opinion was the strongest character, he had a lot of input into the scene, and it revolved around what he says. i am looking forward to acting it out, especially after seeing the film, i am sure everyone wants to now as they were very excited when watching the film.

  8. Sammie SAYS:

    During the double lesson we were supposedly supposed to do our picture scenes and be offbook and ready to go with a script but unfortunately due to absenses not alot of people besides patrick denis and beatrices' group could peform so we decided to scrap that idea and just develop the picture scenes abit more and know what we are doing. Since bekky wasnt here me and des decided to go over the plot in our heads going over everything and discussing positions and basic things that will help us to know what we are doing, of course it will be much easier when bekky is here. So we did basically our planning and sorting out in the first lesson.

    In the second lesson we started watching the winslow boy and i had not seen the beggining so it was sort of all new to me so but i got the ending from remembering the script...Tomorrow i plan on watching the whole film to prepare for the quiz on monday, the winslow boy seems like a very interesting film and im playing violet so i really would like to see her character more on the film!
    see you all monday! xx

  9. Rebecca:

    I was absent x

  10. During the double lessson we were supposed to have with us our picture scene finished scripts and we were supposed to be off- book with our lines. However, there were many people absent, at least one from each group which caused people to not have there scripts because the absent person had them. So we had to come up with a new plan for the class so they could use their time wisely.

    My group is Blue and Izzy. We had our scripts with us and we werent really off-book, so in the first lesson we used the time to start rehearsing it and in the processs it helped us to memorize our lines. Our picture is a boy and a policeman sitting at a diner counter with a waiter in the background. Our story is about a boy, Izzy, and a dad who is the policeman, Blue, and they are having a father/son afternoon out. They are planing to go out and maybe the boy can use his gun. I think that the story is really good, i like it. But we arent sure if it is too short. Hopefully we will get a chance to perform it infront of the class and we can get some suggestions to imporve or how to make it longer.

    At first, we ran through it once, it was a little rough because it was the first time running it through and we were trying new things out. So then we just ran through it just talking with no actions so that we could develop an accent and how to say the lines and maybe fix them up. that really did help. Then we ran it through one more time with actions and it was much better. We just need to remember that this scene needs to make sure that it has its props when we perform it because if not than it will look stupid.

    Then in the second lesson, we decided to just finish watching the rest of the Winslow Boy because we really didnt have anything for eveyone to be working on. I really enjoyed the movie. I like the way at the end how they dont really tell u everything that happens. They leave you wanting more. I'm happy that they won the case though. I also thought it was good how they really showed that this case was really hurting them economically. They almost had to fire violet, who was there maid for 24 years. Overall i really like the movie a lot and watching it has helped me get a better picture of how to act out in out scene for IGCSE.


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